Monday, May 27, 2013

Kultowy Chuck Norris kontra…

…the even more kultowy Rysiek z Klanu

In the latest BZ-WBK ad Chuck Norris invites us, even dares us, to take a consolidation loan.“Umyj ręce bo pieniędzy stygno,” Rysiek implores of us – which means “Wash your hands, the money is getting cold”. I’m kidding. He doesn’t really say that, but he should, don’t you think?

I wanted to include a pic of the print ad which appears at the actual bank branch but jeez louise , the ATM is rocking every time I go there and people get nervous if you try to take a picture while they’re at the ATM. Here are some stills from the TV spot.

For those of you not in the know, the character Rysiu in the soap opera Klan was known for saying “Umyj ręce bo obiad stygnie” which is “Wash your hands, dinner is getting cold” or maybe it was his wife who said it. Anyhow, it’s funny and now that they killed Rysiu off from Klan he’s free to shop his acting skills around where ever he can. I seem to recall that I wrote something about the cooling of dinners…ah, yes, here it is.

Anyhow, Rysiu is still in the role of a family man and he does tell us to wash our hands because the money is waiting for us, not getting cold. I’m a little bit disappointed.

How to solve that financial conundrum? Happy spending!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Quotes of the Week: The Pawłowicz Edition

“Trzeba było wyznaczyć im miejsce w ZOO czy na podwarszawskich polach, niech tam epatują swoją golizną i wulgarnością, wzajemnie wyzywają i tarzają w błocie. Centrum Warszawy nie należy do ludzi zboczonych i wynaturzonych, pozbawionych kompletnie poczucia godności i wstydu.”

Comment of Professor Krystyna Pawłowicz about participants of the Marsz Szmat which was to raise awareness of how rape victims are often blamed for their own rape. By the way, this was from an interview for, enough said.

And on the same topic on TVN, Pawłowicz is quoted as saying -

“Te baby to szmaty i dziwki…Faceci poprzebierani za baby, towarzycho krzyczące nie wiadomo co. To coś okropnego, to są szmaty. Policja powinna zareagować…Szmaty zachowały się jak szmaty. Te baby same się reklamowały…Ulica jest miejscem publicznym i nie należy do dziwek, kurew i alfonsów.”

She said a lot of other things too this week for example about Tusk and homosexuals, but you get the general picture.

For those of you who didn’t catch everything in Polish, I’ll try to translate what she said. For those of you who understood everything in Polish and still cannot figure out what she said, I sympathize with you. My head is still spinning.

“They should have given them a place in the Zoo or in a field outside the city to show off their nudity and vulgarity, to call each other names and roll around in the mud. The center of Warsaw is not the place for deviant and perverted people, completely devoid of a sense of dignity or shame.”

So some may think that she didn’t understand that the Marsz Szmat was supposed to be provocative, that the participants were supposed to dress that way on purpose. Nope, she knows and poor Jarosław Kużniar from TVN tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and explain the Marsz to her to which she responded (“i tak mnie pan nie przekrzyczy") “and you will not outyell me”. Lovely.

Some of her statements from TVN (as above)-

“Those women are “rags” (derogative in Polish) and whores. Men dressed up as women screaming who knows what. It’s a terrible thing. They are rags. The police should do something…Rags behaved like rags. These women are just advertising themselves…The street is a public place and not the place for whore and pimps.”

I had difficulty translating this because I would actually translate szmata as whore or maybe slut would be a better translation. “Sluts behaved like sluts.” Also baba is not as polite as my translation to woman. Additionally, I'm not sure how to express the difference between a dziwka and a kurwa so both came out as whore in my translation. Got to congratulate Professor Pawłowicz on her rich vocabulary.

And now just for fun…

Have a nice weekend!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Quotes of the Week

Dla mnie to nie są trudne rozmowy. W zeszłym roku mieliśmy serię śmierci i właściwie codziennie o tym rozmawialiśmy. Powiedziałam mu, że po śmierci są robaki – ciało rozkłada się w ziemi i tyle. I że nie żyjesz potem jako anioł czy duch, tylko jako wspomnienie w czyjejś pamięci. Oczywiście zawsze mu mówię, że nie mam monopolu na prawdę i że to ja tak uważam, a inni mogą uważać inaczej. A jak jest naprawdę, nie wiadomo. To nie jest pocieszające, ale dlaczego ma być. Nie możesz z najistotnieszych kwestii robić powiastki Disneya.
For me those aren't difficult talks. Last year we had a series of deaths and we talked about it practically everyday. I told him that after death there are bugs, the body decays in the ground and that's it. You don't live afterwards as an angel or a ghost, just in someone's memory. Of course, I always tell him that I don't have a monopoly on the truth and that's just what I think, other people can have a different opinion. And how it really is, nobody knows. It's not to cheer him up, but why should it be. You can't always turn everything in a Disney story.

Mama Antka from the article Piekło, Niebo, Piekło, Niebo by Berenika Steinberg Gazeta Wyborcza Duży Format 16 Maja 2013 talking about her and her son’s approach to religion.By the way, Antek's mother can be my new best friend.

-Polska dla mnie wielki niewypał. A to mówienie na pani? Nie lubię tego, na pani trzeba mieć…
-wygląd i pieniądze, wiem.
-Właśnie. A w Polsce wiele osób nawet pieniędzy nie ma. Zarabiasz cztery razy mniej, a czekoladki w Lidlu droższe niż w Antwerpii. To coś jest chyba nie tak.
-Poland for me is a big failure (dud). And that calling people ma'am (pani)? I don't like it. To be a ma'am you need to have...

-Looks and money, I know.

-Exactly. But in Poland, a lot of people don't even have money. You earn 4 times less and chocolates at Lidl are more expensive than in Antwerp. Something's not right.

Gabriel who has been living and working in Antwerp for the last 12 years from the article Zostań, kto nam tak posprząta by Kamil Bałuk Gazeta Wyborcza Duży Format 16 Maja 2013

From the same article…
Ponad 20 proc. Polek w Antwerpii jest w związku z cudzoziemcem. Przeciwniczek Marokańczyków czy Portugalczyków jest jednak równie dużo. Jedną z nich spotkałem u Renaty.
Tłumaczyła: – Może i jestem rasistką, ale jak mam w mordę dostać, to wolałabym od Polaka. Jakoś mniejszy wstyd.

Over 20% of the Polish women in Antwerp are in relationships with foreigners. Opponents of Moraccans and Portuguese are also a substantial number. I met one of them at Renata's.

She explained: - Maybe I'm racist but if I'm gonna get hit upside the head, I'd prefer it came from a Pole. It's somehow less shameful.

A nice weekend to all :)

Newsy: Angelina’s Breasts

Angelina's breasts are in the news or rather her removal of her breasts is the real story. And you know what? It’s everybody’s business.

My breasts have never inspired such attention for any reason, good or bad. I’m glad. The most hubbub ever made about my breasts was made by me at the brafitter’s across the street. They don’t carry “such small sizes”. Well that hardly seems in keeping with the whole brafitting philosophy, but whatever. I’m not complaining, definitely not, especially when I have witnessed my sister, whose bra size falls at the other end of the alphabet, struggle all her life with breasts.

Our maternal grandmother had a double-mastectomy after being diagnosed with cancer. She survived. I have observed a close relative’s mother whose own mother, grandmother and great-grandmother all passed away in their 50’s from breast cancer, die at a young age also of cancer. I have seen that daughter get tested over and over again, her first fear that she’d pass on the “cancer gene” to her children. Her fear was real as her brother also suffered from cancer at a young age. Now I observe her fear that despite not being a cancer gene carrier, she will die young of cancer and leave her children motherless. In her early 30’s she is tested every 6 months, by doctor’s recommendation.

I will not judge someone whose threat of cancer is so real it is almost tangible for doing anything they can to escape that disease. I also won’t judge someone for doing what they need to escape the fear and protect their own sanity.

And if I wanted to collect opinions about the topic, I would ask some cancer survivors, families of cancer patients, doctors, women who also had mastectomies in the name of prevention. Whose the last person I’d want to hear from? A priest and Terlikowski. Ja pierdole.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

I shouldn't say anything

I shouldn't. Really. I should just not write or say anything.

But I have to.

It just gives me such a warm feeling in my heart, deep down in my heart when a person who will not allow me or my children in their home is perfectly ok with accepting money from us.

It's like a big hug.