Saturday, March 8, 2014

One small problem

This is our “new” intercom for our apartment building in the city. Intercom in Polish is called domofon. The maintenance man didn’t really do much to it – just a bit of re-wiring and such, but there is one small problem. We live in #15. We have been Bareja-ed.

Actually, we have not been Bareja-ed because if you press the button after #14, the intercom does ring. Barejowanie would be if you had to press #1 and #5 to reach us or even better #3 as the order is reversed here.

Bareja is the film director of numerous comedies picturing some of the absurdities of PRL times. One of my favorites is the one in which the guy buys an apartment and the taps are not connected to water. I always check the taps now after watching that movie, and I was less surprised when I discovered that our workers had hooked up the toilet to the hot water supply. Steamy!


Stardust said...

Well maybe your #15 is connected in building next door or in plebania:)))

Stardust said...

Well maybe your #15 is connected in building next door or in plebania:)))

Stardust said...

Why the comments double? Have no clue, oh well I'll leave the way it is.

Wojtek said...

Brak numerka w telefonie to jeszcze nie jest duży problem ;)wyobraź sobie dom , w którym nie ma klamek w drzwiach :P . Słyszałem w Rosji o takim przypadku , że do zamówionych drzwi źle przymocowali klamkę i można było ją wyjąć z drzwi :) . jak to usłyszałem to uśmiałem się , aż brzuch bolał

Chris said...

Star - It appeared two times because you are twice as nice ;)

Wojtek - We have had some situations here in our building with the door handle as well back before the building was occupied. You could only be let in from the inside which was a huge problem when almost nobody lived here.

eternalevermind said...

Sorry that it's not about your writing but I couldn't find your e-mail. I'm looking for parents having bilingual children to fill a questionnarie for my diploma project. If you would be so nice and help me I'll send you details via e-mail.

Chris said...

eternalevermind- I'd be happy to help you. Please find a post here older than 2 weeks and post your e-mail in the comments. Your comment will go to moderation. I will send you an email and delete your comment. :)

Chris said...

eternal-I've just sent you a message so if it isn't in your inbox, check your spam :)